! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
!   Menus.h           A library extension providing easier and better menus
!                                                      Graham Nelson 961113
!     added one-line correction to support Strict mode   Roger Firth 030303
!   A menu is a tree of objects of class Option.  A Menu is an Option which
!   launches a fresh menu when chosen.  To choose option O, send the
!   message:
!       O.select();
!   So to start off a menu session, send this message to the top menu.
!   Here's a simple menu structure:
!       Menu "Instructions for playing Mordred";
!       Menu   -> "How to play adventure games";
!       Option -> -> "Looking around"
!                     with description "I am your eyes and ears ...";
!       Option -> -> "Taking and Dropping"
!                     with description "When you find items ...";
!       Option -> "About the author"
!                  with description "The author was born in ...";
!   Menus produced in this code are automatically divided into pages
!   so that they'll always fit on the screen, whatever size the screen is
!   and however many options there are.
!   Note that since objects can always be moved about in play, it's easy
!   to create new menu structures to fit the circumstances of the moment.
!   (For example, a hints menu which gives hints only on currently open
!   puzzles.)
!   You can instead write a routine to receive the "description" message.
!   Then the text printed when an option is chosen can also vary.
!   If you return 2 from such a routine, then the game does not prompt
!   the player to press a key before going back into the menu.
!   If you return 3, then the whole menu is closed up immediately.
!   Finally, you can always give your own "select" routine for an Option.
!   The rules for return values are the same; what's different is that
!   this way the screen will not be cleared and given a nice banner when
!   the option is chosen.  (Nothing visible will happen unless you do
!   it yourself.)  The SwitchOption class is an example of the kind of
!   gadget you might want this for:
!       Menu "Game settings";
!       SwitchOption -> FullRoomD   "full room descriptions" has on;
!       SwitchOption -> WordyP      "wordier prompts";
!       SwitchOption -> AllowSavedG "allow saved games" has on;
!   Choosing any of these switch-options flips them between on and off.
!   In your program, you can test
!       if (WordyP has on) ...
!   and so forth to check the current state.
! -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ifndef PKEY__TX;

Constant LIB_PRE_63;

!   Then we are using library 6/1 or 6/2, which won't have defined these:

Constant NKEY__TX     = "  N = next option";
Constant PKEY__TX     = "P = previous";
Constant QKEY1__TX    = "  Q = resume game";
Constant QKEY2__TX    = "Q = previous menu";
Constant RKEY__TX     = "RETURN = select option";

Constant NKEY1__KY    = 'N';
Constant NKEY2__KY    = 'n';
Constant PKEY1__KY    = 'P';
Constant PKEY2__KY    = 'p';
Constant QKEY1__KY    = 'Q';
Constant QKEY2__KY    = 'q';


Global screen_width;
Global screen_height;

! Array ForUseByOptions string 128;
! Changed by Roger Firth to match the code in Section 44 of the DM4.
Array ForUseByOptions -> 129;
Class Option
 with emblazon
      [ bar_height page pages temp;

          screen_width = 0->33;

          !   Clear screen:

          @erase_window $ffff;
          @split_window bar_height;

          !   Black out top line in reverse video:
          @set_window 1;
          @set_cursor 1 1;
          style reverse; spaces(screen_width);

          if (standard_interpreter == 0)
              @set_cursor 1 1;
          {   ForUseByOptions-->0 = 128;
              @output_stream 3 ForUseByOptions;
              print (name) self;
              if (pages ~= 1) print " [", page, "/", pages, "]";
              @output_stream -3;
              temp = (screen_width - ForUseByOptions-->0)/2;
              @set_cursor 1 temp;

          print (name) self;
          if (pages ~= 1) print " [", page, "/", pages, "]";

          return ForUseByOptions-->0;
      [;  self.emblazon(1, 1, 1);

          @set_window 0; font on; style roman; new_line; new_line;

          if (self provides description)
              return self.description();

          "[No text written for this option.]^";

Class Menu class Option
 with select
      [ count j obj pkey  line oldline top_line bottom_line
                            page pages options top_option;

          screen_width = 0->33;
          screen_height = 0->32;
          if (screen_height == 0 or 255) screen_height = 18;
          screen_height = screen_height - 7;

          options = 0;
          objectloop (obj in self && obj ofclass Option) options++;
          if (options == 0) return 2;

          pages = 1 + options/screen_height;

          top_line = 6;

          page = 1;

          line = top_line;


          top_option = (page - 1) * screen_height;

          self.emblazon(7 + count, page, pages);

          @set_cursor 2 1; spaces(screen_width);
          @set_cursor 2 2; print (string) NKEY__TX;
          j = screen_width-12; @set_cursor 2 j; print (string) PKEY__TX;

          @set_cursor 3 1; spaces(screen_width);
          @set_cursor 3 2; print (string) RKEY__TX;
          j = screen_width-17; @set_cursor 3 j;

          if (sender ofclass Option)
              print (string) QKEY2__TX;
              print (string) QKEY1__TX;
          style roman;

          count = top_line; j = 0;
          objectloop (obj in self && obj ofclass Option)
          {   if (j >= top_option && j < (top_option + screen_height))
              {   @set_cursor count 6;
                  print (name) obj;
          bottom_line = count - 1;
          oldline = 0;

          {   !   Move or create the > cursor:

              if (line~=oldline)
              {   if (oldline~=0) { @set_cursor oldline 4; print " "; }
                  @set_cursor line 4; print ">";
              oldline = line;

              @read_char 1 -> pkey;

              if (pkey == NKEY1__KY or NKEY2__KY or 130)
              {   !   Cursor down:
                  if (line > bottom_line)
                  {   line = top_line;
                      if (pages > 1)
                      {   if (page == pages) page = 1; else page++;
                          jump ReDisplay;

              if (pkey == PKEY1__KY or PKEY2__KY or 129)
              {   !   Cursor up:
                  if (line < top_line)
                  {   line = bottom_line;
                      if (pages > 1)
                      {   if (page == 1)
                          {   page = pages;
                              line = top_line
                                     + (options % screen_height) - 1;
                          {   page--; line = top_line + screen_height - 1;
                          jump ReDisplay;

              if (pkey==QKEY1__KY or QKEY2__KY or 27 or 131) break;

              if (pkey==10 or 13 or 132)
              {   count = 0;
                  objectloop (obj in self && obj ofclass Option)
                  {   if (count == top_option + line - top_line) break;

                  {   2: jump ReDisplay;
                      3: jump ExitMenu;

                  #ifdef LIB_PRE_63;
                  print "[Please press SPACE to continue.]^";
                  L__M(##Miscellany, 53);
                  @read_char 1 -> pkey;
                  jump ReDisplay;


          if (sender ofclass Option) return 2;

          font on; @set_cursor 1 1;
          @erase_window $ffff; @set_window 0;
          new_line; new_line; new_line;
          if (deadflag==0) <<Look>>;
          return 2;

Class SwitchOption class Option
  with short_name
       [;  print (object) self, " ";
           if (self has on) print "(on)"; else print "(off)";
       [;  if (self has on) give self ~on; else give self on;
           return 2;

! ------------------------------------------------------------------------