The Lurking Horror Game
Available for download:
Run Code (35Kbytes) WinZip File
by Martin Braun
To download this file, right click the link, choose SAVE TARGET AS..., select FILENAME: elevator.z5 and SAVE AS TYPE: ALL FILES
This program implements the Elevator from Infocom's "The Lurking Horror". It has a Basement, Computer Center and Second to Seventh floors. It can be changed fairly easily to service a building with any number of floors, although it probably can't do more than 255 floors. The original elevator had a Basement, Computer Center, Second Floor, Third Floor and Roof which could only be reached by walking.
Source Code (5Kbytes) WinZip File
Infocom Game Manuals - VERY GOOD, including the Infocom's 'Lurking Horror' Game Manual; and 'G.U.E. at a GLANCE A GUIDE FOR FRESHMEN' guide booklet for the fictional 'GEORGE UNDERWOOD EDWARDS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY'.
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Lurking Horror Transcript.